The flower ceremony is a special ceremony of remembrance to honor all those who have lost their battle with breast cancer or are still living with this disease and those who are in remission.
It is a tradition in dragon boat racing that gives us a moment to reflect upon gratitude and joy in our lives and the bravery and memory of those women and men who have lost their lives to breast cancer.
All of the boats are joined in unity, to show that together we are stronger than apart. By coming together we are able to share our emotional support for each other.
The flowers, pink carnations, represent those who have experienced breast cancer, particularly those who have succumbed to this disease.
As the flowers spread upon the surface of the water, we reflect on how these lives and loved ones have touched us, how we have bonded together to combat breast cancer and help those survivors live active, rewarding lives.
We also honor all those who are no longer with us; friends, strangers, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, nieces, sisters, partners and lovers.